Chair Yoga in the News!

Chair Yoga in the News!

  • Chair yoga offers a gentler alternative to exercise – The Ledger reports that, many senior citizens and people with disabilities are finding chair yoga as a welcome and non-daunting alternative exercise method. The system, of unknown origins but brought to the forefront by California-based instructor Lakshmi Voelker in the early 1980s, utilizes a chair as a station and exercise prop to perform traditional yoga stretching exercises.

    Lakshmi Chair Yoga Teacher Training is wonderful! I took her chair yoga training over 8 years ago at the Open Center in NYC!
Chair Yoga class using blocks and straps to assist in our class at Wesley UMC in Nederland, Texas
Found this in one of my vintage Jack LaLange Exercise Books! Jack does chair yoga too!
Found this in one of my vintage Jack LaLang Exercise Books! Jack does chair yoga too!

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Yoga with Gail Pickens-Barger

YOGA WITH GAIL | Ease Chronic Pain + Increase Mobility Seated Tai Chi phone: (409)-727-3177 | email: |