A collection of thoughts from recent podcasts…

Here are a collection of thoughts I summarized on my manual typewriter

While listening to “Walking is Fitness” podcast by Dave, he talked about 9 ways to burn more calories during walking. One of the things I do, is listen to a podcast or a book, while doing my daily walks. So here is my summary of Dave’s podcast!

9 ways to burn more calories while walking.
9 ways to burn more calories while walking – from Walking is Fitness Podcast with Dave

What does this have to do with Chair Yoga Fitness? Walking is a great complement to one’s fitness. Some folks are recovering from surgery, or may have had a lapse in health, and need to start their fitness journey seated on the chair. I’ll often offer an indoor ease to do walking workout with my participants after our Chair Yoga Fitness sessions.

After my heart surgery last year, my stamina was at an all time low. #7 on this list, helped me in another way in that walking with hiking sticks or poles, helped me with my balance. Was moving at a much slower pace after my Wolf Mini Maze, to get rid of my Afib. Walking with walking poles/sticks, helped me get outdoors, move my upper body more, and helped me breathe deeper into my lungs.

Now that I’ve seen this on Dave’s podcast, I might just get out my sticks again to burn a few more calories!

Do you do any of these methods to burn more calories while walking?

Please comment with your response!

#thatthat new #chairyogadance with Gail

I thought, maybe this routine could be done seated on the chair. That way my folks who are challenged with their cardio fitness, could also enjoy dancing to this great song! Thanks #PSY and #Suga of #BTS for creating this great song and music video.

Chair Yoga Fitness with Gail P-B.

A demonstration of Warrior II posture seated on the chair with dynamic tension running from the hips through the soles of the feet. Contraction of the shoulder blades towards the spine, helps to strengthen the upper back, while a mild twist over the leg toward the front to the chair engages the core in an oh, so interesting way.

We occasionally do some of our warrior postures seated upon the chair, for a bit of variety. On this day, twenty-two of us proceeded to do seated spinal balance, warrior II, reverse warrior, and extended side angle. Sometimes we do these postures also standing, with the chair in front of us. Love using the chair as a yoga prop. Chair Yoga Fitness with Gail P-B.