Vitamin D, a part of your fitness journey…

Vitamin D, a part of your fitness journey, from Walking is Fitness

My summary from the Walking is Fitness by Dave.  A daily 10 minute podcast meant to bring you that fitness link to encourage you to walk daily with Dave 10 minutes a day.  I am trying to recall from my memory topics covered in that 10 minute podcast.
My summary from the Walking is Fitness by Dave. A daily 10 minute podcast meant to bring you that fitness link to encourage you to walk daily with Dave 10 minutes a day. I am trying to recall from my memory topics covered in that 10 minute podcast.

I Dave’s Walking is Fitness podcast, I recently listened to him talk about the benefits of walking and getting your “sunshine” vitamin. Vitamin D. Dave has this great podcast and YouTube channel, where he talks about his journey for using Walking is Fitness, intentional walking for his fitness journey. Feels like a friend talking to you, as you walk. Great motivation! Keep it up Dave!

What I’ve been doing, in addition to teaching chair based fitness, is a daily Seokmun-Hoheup Breathing and Meditation practice, along with walks, and hanging out on my Egoscue Tower for managing my scoliotic back. Keeps my daily chronic back pain at a minimum.

Part of my mental game is using my manual typewriter to collect my collected thoughts onto paper.

Here’s my mother’s 1934 #Underwood #PortableTypewriter There are a few things I need to fix on it as a loose ruler, and a set of new rubber feet. And then learning how to adjust that Capital Letters to be aligned with the lower case letters. But it’s a good “type”.

Join me on my YouTube channel for your seated fitness or your gentle yoga for easing back pain. I am not a doctor, or licensed nutritionist. Just sharing what I learn onto you good folk.

Here’s my latest gentle yoga class. I mix it up with on the floor, seated on the chair, standing behind the chair. Most movements can be done seated on the chair! #SeatedChairFitness #SeniorFitness

Easy to do yoga movements to ease back pain. You don’t have to be a pretzel to do yoga! Yoga with Gail.

A collection of thoughts from recent podcasts…

Here are a collection of thoughts I summarized on my manual typewriter

While listening to “Walking is Fitness” podcast by Dave, he talked about 9 ways to burn more calories during walking. One of the things I do, is listen to a podcast or a book, while doing my daily walks. So here is my summary of Dave’s podcast!

9 ways to burn more calories while walking.
9 ways to burn more calories while walking – from Walking is Fitness Podcast with Dave

What does this have to do with Chair Yoga Fitness? Walking is a great complement to one’s fitness. Some folks are recovering from surgery, or may have had a lapse in health, and need to start their fitness journey seated on the chair. I’ll often offer an indoor ease to do walking workout with my participants after our Chair Yoga Fitness sessions.

After my heart surgery last year, my stamina was at an all time low. #7 on this list, helped me in another way in that walking with hiking sticks or poles, helped me with my balance. Was moving at a much slower pace after my Wolf Mini Maze, to get rid of my Afib. Walking with walking poles/sticks, helped me get outdoors, move my upper body more, and helped me breathe deeper into my lungs.

Now that I’ve seen this on Dave’s podcast, I might just get out my sticks again to burn a few more calories!

Do you do any of these methods to burn more calories while walking?

Please comment with your response!

Back pain relief & increased flexibility and range of motion through chair tai chi with Gail PB

Benefits of Seated Chair Tai Chi

Seated chair tai chi offers a wide range of benefits for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, particularly for seniors or those with limited mobility. This gentle and low-impact exercise provides the following advantages:

  • Physical Benefits:
    • Strengthens core, legs, and knees
    • Reduces chronic pain
    • Improves flexibility, posture, and range of motion
    • Aids in balance and coordination
  • Health Benefits:
    • Improves blood pressure, digestion, and sleep
    • Enhances immunity and overall well-being
  • Mental and Emotional Benefits:
    • Helps with anxiety, depression, and stress relief
    • Promotes mental clarity and relaxation

Seated Chair Tai Chi is a unique and therapeutic exercise modality that can be seamlessly incorporated into senior or healthcare facilities to promote holistic well-being. Additionally, the fusion of Yang Style Tai Chi forms and meticulous exercises, such as Shaolin muscle and sinew exercises, qigong detoxing techniques, and healing visualization, contribute to the comprehensive benefits of this practice.

If you’re experiencing back pain, the incorporation of seated chair tai chi poses and easy yoga can offer relief and contribute to your overall physical and mental wellness.

Weekly classes in-person, and online classes through my YouTube channel. #seatedtaichi #chairtaichi #seatedchairtaichi

Chair Tai Chi with Gail PB.  In-person and online.
Chair Tai Chi with Gail PB